Ultimate Laser Tag
Like a real-life video game!
- Many game types! Team Death Match, King of The Hill, Free for All, Infection, and even more!
- Vibration feedback, audible sound effects, Red dot scope, and more
- Track your team wins/loses, MVP's, and more
- Real time scoring
- Create your own player profile
- All equipment included
- Recommended for ages 5+

There has never been laser tag like this before! Our futuristic, video game-inspired equipment is the best experience out there for live-action gamers of all ages.
- Track your score and see who wins MVP
- All participants watch a safety video to learn the rules of play
- Each game mode has a unique sound, range, damage, size, and rate
- The built-in vibration mechanism makes each session come alive and is not found anywhere else in the industry.
- Equipment is lightweight, but recommended for players age 5+

Play a Real-Life Video Game
Laser tag is a fun, low contact activity for the whole family. It is like a real-life video game because it’s action-packed and filled with endless adventures for people of all ages to enjoy.
As a parent, you may be a little skeptical about laser tag, and whether your children will find it a suitable alternative to the video games they’re used to playing. Below we’ll cover how laser tag works, how similar it is to video games kids love, and how it can be fun for the whole family!
How Does Laser Tag Work?
Laser tag is a simple game that can be played at home or a specialized venue, such as Action Jack’s, for a more immersive experience.
For the game, you will wear special equipment like a vest and/or a headpiece that allows you to see your opponents and zap them with your laser blaster. The blasters are super lightweight and provide vibration feedback, so you know when you’ve been hit. The laser blaster uses an infrared sensor to “blast” opponents. You can use its laser to aim at your “enemies” from the enemy team and zap them.
The goal of the game is to zap as many enemies as possible or to have the least amount of hits by the end of the game, depending on which version of laser tag you’re playing. Once the game ends, everyone’s scores are counted, and the player or team with the most points (via hits or not getting hit) wins!
How is Laser Tag Like a “Real Life Video Game?”
Laser tag has been compared to many popular video games, such as Fortnite and Overwatch. Like both games, laser tag is highly competitive, but it is also fully immersive, making you the character who needs to score the most points to win the game. Your only tool is your laser zapper, and you have to blast your opponents to survive.
Laser zappers themselves are similar to other video game zappers you can find on arcade games (such as the Time Crisis series and Star Trek: Voyager – The Arcade Game).
However, for an arcade game, you only aim your blaster at the screen to zap computer-generated enemies.
With laser tag, your opponents are not tied to a particular path or video game code. They will behave on their own terms, rendering you unable to predict their moves each game. This unpredictability makes laser tag an immersive real-life video game that’s different every time you play.
Laser Tag at Action Jack’s
Action Jack’s has the best laser tag in the state of Arkansas! Here are some of the great features Action Jack’s has to offer:
The Latest and Greatest in Laser Tag Technology
Action Jack’s uses the newest technology from the Battle Company, which provides equipment to national entertainment facilities such as Ripley’s, Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park, and Knott’s Berry Farm!
The laser blasters used at Action Jack’s are the latest of Battle Company’s models. What sets it apart from the rest is that:
- Wireless – No need for those pesky wires between your laser blaster and your sensor. The Battlerifle Pro uses Bluetooth technology to track hits and scores for you.
- EDGE technology – Thanks to being able to access an internet connection, the Battlerifle Pro is enabled to use EDGE technology, which allows for real-time score updates and endless types of games to be played.
- Completely safe – The Battlerifle Pro uses an FDA Class 1 laser, which is completely safe and incapable of harming anyone.
- The best vibration feedback in the industry – Unlike standard vibration feedback on top-of-the-mill video games, the Battlerifle Pro has instant feedback when you zap another player or get blasted at. This will immerse you even more into the game!
Different Laser Tag Games
Different games do not appeal to everyone. Maybe you are more of an individual competitor than a team player, or vice versa.
Action Jack’s has an endless array of laser tag game types, including many that are fun for the whole family, including:
- King of the Hill: In King of the Hill, players are split into two teams to capture “hills” in the laser tag arena! The team with the most captures wins!
- Free for All: In Free for All, each player is let loose to blast one another before the timer runs out. You gain points by blasting your opponents but lose them by being blasted yourself. The player with the most points by the end wins!
- Team Death Match: Reminiscent of the popular video game, Call of Duty, in Team Death Match, players are split into two teams to face off against one another. Every time you blast an opponent, they “die” and lose points. The team with the least “deaths” wins!
Laser Tag Games Are Fun for the Whole Family
Laser tag is for everyone, as long as you’re not too young to understand the game’s rules or put on the equipment. At Action Jack’s we recommend ages 5+ for Laser Tag
- Children love laser tag because it immerses them into a high action scenario with a clear goal in mind: blasting others to reach a high score. It is an excellent way for them to get out of the house to build skills in teamwork and exercise.
- Laser tag is growing more and more popular in the adult crowd, too. It is a fun activity to do with adult relatives if they happen to be in town and can be a fun and engaging team-building activity for corporations.
- Younger adults are quickly making up a large percentage of laser tag players. It allows them to escape any anxieties or duties they have in everyday life and just immerse themselves in a brief, but fun, experience that they can afford.
Action Jack’s prides itself in its appeal for kids and adults alike. Grown-ups have raved about how Action Jack’s laser tag is tons of fun for kids and adults and that it is a perfect family-friendly game!
Laser tag has the sensory appeal and lack of physical pushing or shoving that kids need and want and is not boring for adults at all! Best of all, games are only ten minutes long, so you and your family can keep on playing to your heart’s content.
If you’re in Arkansas, check out Action Jack’s! The facility is open every weekend, and there are options for reserving birthday parties as well. You can even request a private event during the week.
And, if you’re not in the mood for laser tag, don’t worry. Action Jack’s also offers Low-Impact Paintball, Escape Rooms and Arcades with Prizes. You’re guaranteed to have fun no matter what activity you choose!

Our combo packs bundle multiple activities & save money!
Our combo packs will save you money while maximizing the fun! Try our Ultimate Laser Tag, Low Impact Paintball, Escape Rooms and More!